Cameron Henry
Software Engineer
I am an experienced software engineer with 5 years of industry experience open to remote opportunities. I have extensive experience in legacy stacks, but I am excited about the opportunities of product-driven web-development. My background lends well towards working in API design and maintenance.
About Me
Perspective towards Scale
API design and maintenance - responsible for maintaining a legacy enterprise-grade API in-use by industry recognized customers. Responsible for all of the communication, research, and scale considerations associated with non-standard requests and response structures between a wide variety of business partners and a 20+ year old proprietary codebase.
Coordinated with product management, quality assurance, and various development teams to ensure product met product expectations.
Working in a stack where QA, and CI/CD is 100% manual, writing out cases to manually verify is of the utmost importance. I thoroughly enjoy working on projects where these cases can be thoughtfully automated.
Project Management
Provided high quality user facing applications by coding, testing, documenting, and maintaining programs.
Technical Skills
Typescript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL, NoSQL, Java, R
React, React Testing Library, Next.JS, Tailwind, Styled Components, Jest, NestJS
Experience and Education
- Reynolds and Reynolds, Houston — Software Engineer
- Develops and supports software for automotive retailers.
- Maintain a codebase accessed and used internationally in a CI/CD workflow.
- Researched and resolved issues in existing proprietary framework.
- Lamar University, Beaumont — B.S. in Computer Science
- Network Systems, OOP paradigms, Database Design, Algorithm Design and Big O Analysis, Compilers, and Assembly Language.
- Cleaning, coercing, and meaningfully interpreting large datasets with R and microsoft access.
- Work collectively in an agile workflow.